Topic: technology transfer

More interdisciplinary training in science, engineering and business could boost innovation

Providing more interdisciplinary academic programs and training in science, engineering and business to students in post-secondary institutions could break disciplinary silos and boost Canada’s lagging innovation, says Dr. Alexandre Navarre, PhD, associate researcher at École de technologie supérieure in Montreal and past director of technology transfer units at McGill University and Western University.

Strategic Innovation Fund producing “significant benefits” for Canadians, ISED says

Research Money asked Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to respond to four questions about criticisms of the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) program. In response, ISED says SIF is producing “significant benefits” for Canadians, including new jobs created, co-op placements and investment in R&D and new technologies.

Experts are questioning the focus and merits of Ontario’s new IP plan

Some academic researchers are questioning the focus and merits of Ontario’s new IP plan and whether it’s the right policy tool to achieve the province’s economic goals. But the plan’s supporters say it will help generate intellectual property and commercialize research done by post-secondary institutions for the benefit of Ontario’s economy.

Quebec projects get federal funding for innovative projects

Five projects in the Quebec City area have received funding to help companies and organizations move forward with their innovative projects. More than $831,000 in federal financial assistance are available through Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED) with almost $480,000 being repayable. The fund recipients are the Centre en imagerie numérique et médias interactifs (CIMMI),…