Topic: stem cell research

The Short Report – April 21, 2021: SIF gets $7.2 billion in 2021 federal budget, BC budget invests in new strategic fund, Biden’s funding surge, a boost for the Stem Cell Network, and more

The 2021 federal budget gives a big boost to the NRC’s Industrial Research Assistance Program, BC budget provides $500 million to new fund for tech startups, US President Joe Biden proposes funding surge for federal research agencies, Canada’s Stem Cell Network to receive $45 million dollars for regenerative medicine therapies, and more.

Global community confronts the implications of human genome editing

The WHO has launched a global registry to track research on human genome editing—the first concrete recommendation of an advisory committee charged with determining what an effective oversight and governance framework should look like in the CRISPR era. At the same time, medical and scientific societies in other nations are grappling with the unprecedented ethical and scientific implications of altering the human genome in future generations.

Canada’s regenerative medicine sector poised to soar with better funding and collaboration: report

Canadian expertise and achievements in regenerative medicine (RM) could be at a turning point if strategic steps are taken to increase stable funding and achieve greater coordination among the many federal and provincial players. Those are the key observations of a report issued by the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), which was based on a two-day workshop held last October to provide policy makers with pointers for growing the sector and realizing greater economic and health benefits.