Topic: robotics

The Short Report – Feb 24, 2021: A level-four disease containment facility at U of Saskatchewan, NSERC provides $118 million for research partnerships, CIHR’s plan for the next decade, and more

Saskatchewan funds an upgrade of a University of Saskatchewan centre to work with deadly diseases, Vancouver Shipyards begins construction of an ocean vessel to study the impact of climate change, Canadian Institutes of Health Research release a long-awaited plan for the next decade, and more.

Sophia awes at OCE Discovery 2018

The Discovery 2018 Conference wrapped up in Toronto, ON last May 1. The annual event organized by the Ontario Centres for Excellence (OCE) brought together technologists, innovators, entrepreneurs and enthusiasts from all over the world. Over 500 exhibitors and 3,000 participants attended the two-day event, which showcased Ontario as a hotbed of innovation and excellence.Featured at…

NSERC field robotics network pitches for extended funding

The NSERC Canadian Field Robotics Network (NCFRN) put on an impressive display of robots and drones last week in Ottawa as the national network readies its pitch for renewed and increased federal funding. NCFRN, one of 16 active NSERC Strategic Networks, is currently in its final year of a five-year $5 million award. Demonstrations representing the work of 180 researchers from eight universities and 12 industrial and government partners coincided with the network’s annual meeting where high-level discussions took place on how to secure an even larger injection of funding from the federal government…