Topic: Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy

The Short Report – June 28, 2022: Anand’s NORAD upgrade plans for space-based surveillance system; new funding streams strengthen Canada’s clinical trials; CIFAR launches Phase 2 of the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy, and more.

NORAD upgrades include plans for a space-based surveillance system and a science program with the US; three new funding streams to bolster Canada’s clinical trials, phase 2 of the Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy launches, and more.

Opinion Leader: Canada’s early focus on artificial intelligence is starting to reap commercial benefits

Canada’s early contributions and long-standing academic expertise in artificial intelligence are now generating growing funding for and revenue in AI in drug development, but the country’s AI-enabled drug development industry faces significant challenges in coming years, Dr. Ulrik Kristensen, PhD, founder and principal analyst at UK-based Emersion Insights, says in an op-ed.

Ontario and Quebec boost cooperation on artificial intelligence & 5G technologies

The governments of Ontario and Quebec have signed a memorandum of understanding to further cooperation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) with an emphasis on support for 5G technologies. The MOU builds on two existing bi-lateral initiatives — the Evolution of Networked Services through a Corridor in Québec and Ontario for Research and Innovation…

Canada lacks the institutional structure to invest in the future

Budget 2017 promises $125 million to launch what it calls a Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy by promoting collaboration between centres of excellence in Montreal, Toronto-Waterloo and Edmonton. This, it says, will “position Canada as a world-leading destination for companies seeking to invest in artificial intelligence and innovation.” What’s missing as Canada seeks to position itself for the future, and this is critically important, is any institutional capacity to prepare Canadians more broadly for the future.