Topic: open science

New federal Earth Observation strategy prioritizes open data

Canada’s new strategy for satellite Earth Observation (satellite EO) aims to ensure government, researchers and industry have the data they need to monitor the health of the planet and respond to climate change and security threats. There was no new funding attached to the strategy, but it supports Canada’s vision for space, which prioritizes harnessing space science and technology to solve important challenges on Earth.

The Short Report – Dec. 22, 2021: Trudeau releases mandate letters, a promising brain diseases partnership, a national survey of young people’s attitudes towards science, and more

A new Quebec neuroscience partnership may advance drug discovery for brain diseases through AI and Open Science; a CFI national survey shows most young adults have confidence in science; Dr. Leah Cowen has been named the University of Toronto’s vice-president, research and innovation, and strategic initiatives, and more.

The pandemic pushed open science forward in Canada, but the gains have been modest

The COVID-19 pandemic has been called a “stress test” for open science — one that, by most accounts, it passed. The sharing of new scientific knowledge and data about the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its impacts has been fast and furious. But not all experts are convinced that open will become the new norm for science in Canada. At least, not yet.