Topic: Internet of Things

Strategic Innovation Fund producing “significant benefits” for Canadians, ISED says

Research Money asked Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) to respond to four questions about criticisms of the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) program. In response, ISED says SIF is producing “significant benefits” for Canadians, including new jobs created, co-op placements and investment in R&D and new technologies.

New national standard for data governance published

The Chief Information Officers (CIO) Strategy Council has published a new national standard for data governance, enabling organizations to create a “trust environment” for third-party interactions and help secure their data assets.

Businesses, innovators aim to make Canada a global leader in Internet of Things

Ottawa is a growing international centre for companies providing Internet of Things (IoT) devices and related software. Alberta wants to become the next major tech centre focused on IoT. Here’s how Canadian businesses and innovators are ramping up efforts to make Canada a world leader in IoT technologies and services.

Federal gov’t, provinces collaborate to build 5G test bed for SMEs

Investments amounting to $400 million over five years will go to building a series of linked laboratories for 5G technology along the Ontario-Quebec corridor. Under the Evolution of Networked Services through a Corridor in Quebec and Ontario for Research and Innovation (ENCQOR) project, the federal and provincial governments and private sector partners have committed funds…