Topic: international research collaboration

The Short Report, December 18, 2019: Atlantic “sea ice” computing; Quebec’s digital wallet; post-Brexit Euro-futures for Canadian research

ACENET at Memorial University launched a regional advanced computing system. in Atlantic Canada called Siku, a word that means “sea ice” in Inuktitut. The centre is 50% more powerful than all of ACENET’s recently retired systems together and is interoperable with the national Compute Canada platform. Supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Siku aims to generate economic benefits for…

Call for Proposals: Canada-Israel research partnership seeks to fund R&D projects to commercialize

The Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (CIIRDF) is accepting proposals for bilateral R&D projects focusing on the commercialization of new technologies. Private sector companies from the two countries are invited to propose joint research, R&D and technology development projects for the creation of innovative products or processes with a non-defence application. The priorities are small- and…

Universities Canada urges feds to adopt Naylor report recommendations

A pre-Budget submission from Universities Canada (UC) is urging the federal government to “lead in higher education, research and innovation … at a time of closing borders and closing minds” by implementing “all financial recommendations of the fundamental science review panel” headed by Dr David Naylor. UC is requesting that the government focus its “urgent…

Quantum computing, brain research top list for new US-Canada collaborations

President Donald Trump’s push for major cuts to research funding in the US are fueling even closer scientific ties between our two countries. Preliminary talks have begun between the US National Science Foundation and research funders in Canada to kickstart new research collaborations in quantum computing, the brain, biodiversity and the Arctic. Recent meetings held in both Ottawa and Washington are expected, as a first step, to result in a Dear Colleague letter from the NSF encouraging its researchers to identify opportunities for joint projects the rapidly evolving field of brain research.