Topic: innovation

Critical report spawns comprehensive response

The House of Commons Standing Committee on Science and Research had a lot to say about what was wrong with the country’s approach to research. The Minister of Innovation, Science, and Industry responded accordingly.

Fashioning the frontier of failure

Failures of innovation are no less revealing than successes, as a unique museum demonstrates in an informative and amusing way.

From the Publisher: Customers drive innovation

Innovation is often seen as a process of moving from abstract discovery to marketable product. But it really comes down to customers — who they are, what they want, and what you can do for them.

Searching for superior SR&ED

The SR&ED on-line application form does not remember you from last year. For the Council of Canadian Innovators, that is among the least of the improvements this program needs.

Nurturing the entrepreneurial mind-set

Simon Fraser University, in collaboration with the research organization Mitacs, is mounting a concerted effort to provide students across the campus with access to courses and services to help them develop an entrepreneurial outlook on their work. Elicia Maine, who recently became a special advisor to the university’s VP Research and International, says these extensive efforts will benefit these students in their career paths as well as enhancing the talent available for Canada’s innovation ecosystem.