Topic: gender equity and diversity

Researchers warn of COVID-19’s outsized impact on women in science

Emerging evidence suggests a dramatic decline in research productivity among female researchers globally, especially those early in their careers who are more likely than their peers to have been juggling homeschooling and other parenting duties since the pandemic began. Academic researchers are sounding the alarm—and calling for swift action. 

Number of women rising among full-time university faculty

Over the last 50 years, the share of women among full-time university faculty at Canadian universities has increased considerably, according to recent data released by Statistics Canada. Related Articles: Colleges to help shape Canada’s research EDI program through two-year Dimensions pilot EDI policies in research have yielded “minimal” returns, experts say Draft charter aims to reduce barriers…

The Short Report, June 5, 2019 – McMaster endowment, AI, timber research, green jet fuel

BDC Capital has launched the $250-million Industrial Innovation Venture Fund to invest in early to late stage tech firms and entrepreneurs accelerating the transformation of core Canadian industries including ag-tech, advanced manufacturing, oil and gas and mining tech. Venture capital veteran Joe Regan joins as the fund’s managing partner. “Industrial sectors tend to be slow…

The Short Report – May 29, 2019: CRCC progress report, poultry research, bio-refinery

The Canada Research Coordinating Committee has released its first progress report, highlighting accomplishments to date on five priority areas: interdisciplinary, international, high-risk/high-rewards, rapid response research; key emerging research areas; equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI); Indigenous research; and, the needs of early career researchers (ECR). Activities over the coming year include: calls for applications under the…

NSERC’s Discovery Grants Program gives a boost to early-career researchers

Earlier this month, NSERC announced more than $558 million in awards for nearly 4,300 researchers and students, the largest investment in research from the agency this year and a $44 million increase over 2017. R$ spoke to Pierre Charest, Vice-President, Research Grants and Scholarships Directorate, about how the new funding was spent and what to expect in the years ahead.