Topic: COVID-19

New vaccine shows how Canada can tackle TB

A team of Canadian researchers at McMaster University is developing an inhalable TB vaccine that would act as a booster to strengthen immune protection right at the site of infection — the lungs. If successful, it would be among the first new effective TB vaccines in the world.

Canada showed strong growth in patents for pandemic prevention technology in last two decades, CIPO report finds

Canada ranked eighth globally in the number of patented pandemic mitigation technologies filed by institutions worldwide between 1999 and 2018, according to a report by the Canadian Intellectual Property Office done in collaboration with the National Research Council. The report found that Canadian institutions had a high relative specialization for pandemic mitigation technologies, especially in the therapeutics and vaccine development research area.

Q&A: The CFI’s Heidi Bandulet on being Canada’s voice for international research infrastructure

Dr. Heidi Bandulet, the Senior Programs Officer at Canada Foundation for Innovation, is the co-chair of the OECD’s new Global Science Forum Expert Group on Very Large Research Infrastructure. Research Money spoke to Bandulet about large research infrastructure projects, her role as Canada’s representative and how to better collaborate in the case of a global crisis like COVID-19.

The Short Report – Sept. 1, 2021: Liberals release their campaign platform, feedback sought on new CFI fund, industrial R&D on par with 2019, and more

FEDERAL ELECTION The Liberal Party of Canada released its full platform on Wednesday, including a number of promises on research and innovation. The party’s proposals include a permanent Council of Economic Advisors, reforms to the Scientific Research and Experimental Development Program to “reduce red tape,” an additional 1,000 Canada Research Chairs, a $75-million fund to help colleges and…

Q&A: Quebec’s Chief Scientist shares lessons on science advice during a pandemic

Global leaders in science advice and science diplomacy will come together next week in Montreal to discuss how to “Build Back Wiser” after the COVID-19 pandemic. Research Money spoke with Rémi Quirion, Chief Scientist of Quebec, about how the pandemic has shaped science advisory systems globally, and how INGSA2021 could contribute to creating stronger and more dynamic ties between scientists and policymakers.