Topic: commercialization of research

Quantum Valley Ideas Lab gets DARPA funding to develop quantum sensing technologies

DARPA, the U.S. defence-related R&D agency, is on everyone’s lips as a Canadian version of the agency became a promise in more than one party platform. Quantum Valley Ideas Lab, an independent research institute in Waterloo, Ont., is participating in new DARPA programs to move quantum technologies out of the laboratory and into the real world.

COVID-19 return-to-work solution emerges from ISED prototype testing program

The pandemic is creating new opportunities for Canadian businesses, including Smartcone Technologies, Inc., which specializes in industrial Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The company has developed a system to screen people for COVID-19 in real time that hinges on a simple smell test.

New federal budget could include funding for a quantum institute as global race for quantum tech heats up

When Budget 2021 drops on April 19, some of Canada’s quantum researchers and entrepreneurs will be holding their breath. That is because the Standing Committee on Finance published a budget recommendation in February urging the federal government to “financially support the establishment of a quantum computing research institute in the Toronto area, similar to the Vector Institute.”

Experts are questioning the focus and merits of Ontario’s new IP plan

Some academic researchers are questioning the focus and merits of Ontario’s new IP plan and whether it’s the right policy tool to achieve the province’s economic goals. But the plan’s supporters say it will help generate intellectual property and commercialize research done by post-secondary institutions for the benefit of Ontario’s economy.