Topic: Clean Tech

Feds announce new innovation and growth strategy for Quebec

The Canadian government has introduced a Federal Strategy on Innovation and Growth for the Quebec Regions. The new plan aims to support region-specific initiatives that will foster innovation, entrepreneurial activity and the creation of well-paying jobs. Piloted by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions (CED), the strategy focuses on four priorities: innovation and clean tech;…

General Fusion wins $49.3 million SIF funding for clean tech development project

The Ministry of Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) will invest $49.3 million from its Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) to support technology development at General Fusion, a Burnaby, B.C.-based company seeking to commercialize fusion energy. Fusion energy is generated from reactions released by superheated hydrogen gas. The process is safe and produces no emissions or…

$25M in federal funding available to provinces, territories for clean tech

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada recently launched a $25-million, three-year program that aims to fund provinces and territories for clean technology projects that are expected to run from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2021. Under the Agriculture Clean Technology (ACT) Program, the federal government will provide non-repayable contributions for projects that will help the agricultural…

Federal innovation support programs focus of ground breaking Treasury Board inventory

Treasury Board Secretariat (TBS) has completed a comprehensive inventory of federal programs aimed at supporting business innovation and clean technology. The inventory captured 20 organizations and 92 program streams (business-facing programs), with the top five accounting for more than two-thirds of the $2.379 billion total.

Editorial-December 2017

The last few weeks have seen a number of public funding announcements address climate change by adapting clean technology through research and innovation. At the federal level, there’s $155 million for the natural resources sector, and Alberta and Ontario have announced their own initiatives, with Alberta providing up to $1.4 billion.

MPs see resource industry’s problems as potential boon for clean tech

Clean technology and traditional resource industries like oil and gas may seem like strange bedfellows but federal politicians hope closer ties between the sectors will enable Canada to meet two of its biggest challenges: reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and creating jobs. Debbie Lawes reports

Canada’s clean tech industry at perilous crossroads: report

A new report on the state of Canada’s clean tech industry warns that many companies are “awash in red ink”, posting negative shareholder returns and are vulnerable to foreign takeovers, despite the federal government’s Budget 2017 commitment of $1.8 billion in new support for the sector. However, that funding is slow to ramp up and…

SDTC investing $43 million in a range of pre-commercial clean technology projects

Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) is investing $43 million in several clean technology projects of which $20 million will be matched by the Province of British Columbia. The investments include $10 million in the Automotive Fuel Cell Corp — a joint venture with Daimler AG and Ford Motor Co to develop new fuel cell modules.…