Reader Testimonials

Alan_Winter_“I have subscribed to Research Money for many years (since the days of the “Yellow Peril”!) because it is an essential read for anyone interested in Science and Technology programs in Canada. Mark has ensured that Research Money is a consistently high-quality newsletter that has comprehensive, balanced and factual articles which when compiled form a good reference database on major stories and funding programs. Research Money is a “must-read” at Genome BC!”

Alan Winter, Former President and CEO, Genome BC


Douglas Barber“Research Money began publishing in 1986. In 1973 I was one of the founders of Linear Technology Inc. which became Gennum Corporation in 1987. I have known Research Money from its beginning and I have copies of all the issues since 1990. Research Money is a unique publication because it has over the years fairly reported on the people, enterprises and players in Canada’s Research world with remarkable objectivity and with no specific loyalty or influence by players in industries, governments, government laboratories, or universities. Research Money has given remarkable perspective on Research, Development, Technology and Education for Canada. Unfortunately the Research parties, interest groups and factions in Canada have had disparate goals that have prevented us from capitalizing on the value presented. The potential is still there and as our resource-based industry faces difficult times and our economy is declining, Research Money can be a major source of wisdom for success in the knowledge-based economy. Our prosperity will depend on this.”

H. Douglas Barber, O.C., Ph.D., D.Sc., F.C.A.E., P.Eng., Distinguished Professor-in-Residence, McMaster University


paul dufour“I have been an avid reader and contributor to Research Money for many years now– it is THE go-to news source for science and innovation policy junkies like myself. Mark Henderson and the team provide an incredibly valuable service by ferreting out timely news; interviewing science leaders; and developing new leads on emerging policy issues. It is a valued platform for helping shape our Canadian science, technology and innovation landscape.”

Paul Dufour, ISSP Fellow and Adjunct Professor, and Principal, PaulicyWorks


David-Wolfe-photog-Dave-Chan-37-2-280x280“I have been a regular reader of RE$EARCH MONEY for the past twenty years. It’s important for me to keep up with the latest news and trends in science and innovation policy. I rely on information sources that deliver the news that I need to my desktop so I don’t have to spend time searching for articles that may or may not be relevant to my interests. RE$EARCH MONEY is an invaluable and cost-effective source of reliable information and analysis that keeps me up to date on all the latest developments in Canada’s S&T community.”

David Wolfe, Co-Director, Innovation Policy Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs and Professor, Political Science, University of Toronto