Person: John de la Mothe

Dr John de la Mothe

Canada needs a strong innovation policy
By John de la Mothe

The civil service and universities are looking like they’re failing Canada. Dr Michael J Mandel, former professor at New York Univ’s Stern School and now senior economist for Business Week, recently noted that “innovation is not simply the tail of the dog, it’s the whole damn poodle”.

John de la Mothe

Consultation in the Absence of Strategy and Coordination
By John de la Mothe

It looks like Canada’s on the verge of a season of government consultations around innovation. Industry Canada has unofficially let it be known that a cross-country tour will accompany its Innovation Agenda, whenever it finally appears.

John de la Mothe

Creative Construction
By John de la Mothe

Now that the dust from the federal elections is settling, it’s an opportune time to get back to business and speculate on where the government should be going in terms of science and technology (S&T) policy.

John de la Mothe

Eyes Wide Shut
By John de la Mothe

Let’s begin with three things we all know. First, information is of critical importance to the international knowledge economy, and Canadian researchers, firms and government officials need to become expert intelligence gatherers and users.