Person: Jeffrey Crelinsten

New initiative to showcase Canadian colleges and institutes role in innovation

RESEARCH MONEY (R$), Canada’s leading newsletter on science, technology and innovation policy and investment, in partnership with Colleges and Institute Canada (CICan), has launched a new initiative to highlight the key role that colleges and institutes are playing in building Canada’s innovation capacity.

Federal government must improve innovation funding practices: study

The federal government needs to improve assessment of “innovation intermediaries” it funds and better target future funding for business accelerators and incubators, says a study done for the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

Jeffrey Crelinsten

Tapping Canadian Talent Abroad
By Jeffrey Crelinsten

There’s nothing like a pitch session to separate the kids from the grown ups. I recently attended a series of entrepreneur “bootcamps” designed by the San Francisco/Silicon Valley office of the Canadian Trade Commissioner Service (TCS).

Dr Jeffrey Crelinsten

Preparing our youth for success
By Jeffrey Crelinsten

RE$EARCH MONEY readers are familiar with policy debates on how to stimulate growth in a knowledge economy. The focus is typically on research and how to “commercialize” it.

Jeffrey Crelinsten

How can universities help companies?
By Jeffrey Crelinsten,

With the federal government on the verge of announcing the result of its expert panel on commercialization, it may be useful to point out some myths and truths that relate to this important area of policy and business.

Dr Jeffrey Crelinsten

Engaging Youth in Innovation
By Jeffrey Crelinsten

Last year, many of our agendas were crowded with meetings about innovation. At almost every gathering, at least one person stood up to emphasize the importance of reaching Canadian youth.