Person: Dr Gilles Patry

Dr Calvin Stiller

Dr Calvin Stiller has been awarded the 2010 Canada Gairdner Wightman Award for his long career in health research, life sciences and the venture capital industry. Currently professor emeritus at the Univ of Western Ontario and chair and co-founder of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Stiller is a pioneer in multi-organ transplantation and the…

Dr Peter Liu

Dr Peter Liu is stepping down July 1st as scientific director of the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health after four years to pursue other opportunities. Liu was responsible for establishing several national and international partnerships to further the study of circulatory and respiratory diseases. He also contributed to the Canadian Heart Health Strategy…

Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Elizabeth Dowdeswell has been appointed president of the Nuclear Waste Management Association, an organization representing utilities that produce used nuclear fuel as a by-product of electricity generation. Dowdeswell has had a long career in government, education and international affairs. Past positions include ADM at Environment Canada and a delegate to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate…

Dr Gilles Patry 2002

Dr Gilles Patry has been appointed to the governing council of the National Research Council for a three-year term. Patry is rector and vice-chancellor of the Univ of Ottawa (U of O) and has been instrumental in transforming the institution into one of Canada’s major research-intensive universities, in particular the creation of the School of…

Dr Gerald Karam

Dr Gerald Karam has been appointed chair of Communications and Information Technology Ontario (CITO), an Ontario Centre of Excellence. Karam is department head of communication service infrastructure research at AT&T Labs – Research. He has been a member of CITO’s board for the past three years. New research directors to CITO’s board are: Max Wong,…

Dr Roman Maev

Dr Roman Maev has been named the new research industrial chair in applied solid state physics at the Univ of Windsor. The chair is funded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council and DaimlerChrysler Canada, who will equally share the $1.725 million cost over five years. Maev is a physics professor at the university…

Dr Richard Isnor

Dr Richard Isnor has been appointed to the newly created position at the National Research Council as director of biotechnology horizontal initiatives and interdepartmental relations. At the NRC, Isnor will coordinate biotechnology activities throughout its institutes, particularly the $20-million Genomics and Health Initiative. He will also coordinate NRC’s biotech activities with other departments and research…