Person: Dr Gilles Patry

Time is ripe for boosting support for research and research infrastructure says departing CFI president

Over his seven year term as president and CEO of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, Dr Gilles Patry has witnessed firsthand the dramatic changes in the research landscape and the rise of innovation as a key priority for government, academia and industry. Once considered something of an (albeit expensive) outlier in the research ecosystem, the CFI is now more closely aligned with other players from researchers to industry as well a key driver in efforts to encourage cross-sectoral collaboration nationally and internationally.

Dr Gilles Patry, President and CEO, Canada Foundation for Innovation

Going global: Canadians reaping the rewards of international research collaborations
By Dr Gilles Patry

Federal and provincial investments over the past decade or so have created such a strong research foundation that Canada is now garnering the attention of both research and industry partners from around the globe.

Dr Calvin Stiller

Dr Calvin Stiller has been awarded the 2010 Canada Gairdner Wightman Award for his long career in health research, life sciences and the venture capital industry. Currently professor emeritus at the Univ of Western Ontario and chair and co-founder of the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research, Stiller is a pioneer in multi-organ transplantation and the…

Dr Peter Liu

Dr Peter Liu is stepping down July 1st as scientific director of the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health after four years to pursue other opportunities. Liu was responsible for establishing several national and international partnerships to further the study of circulatory and respiratory diseases. He also contributed to the Canadian Heart Health Strategy…

Elizabeth Dowdeswell

Elizabeth Dowdeswell has been named president of the Council of Canadian Academies (CCA), replacing Dr Peter Nicholson who left the position at the end of 2009. Dowdeswell’s appointment is effective April 1st. She has chaired the CCA’s scientific advisory committee since its inception and is an adjunct professor at the Univ of Toronto’s McLaughlin-Rotman Centre…

Dr Janusz Kozinski

Dr Janusz Kozinski has been appointed dead of the faculty of science and engineering at York Univ. An expert in sustainable energy systems and immune building concepts (anti-bioterrorism), Kozinski is currently dean of the college of engineering at the Univ of Saskatchewan. He holds a MEng and PhD from AGH-Univ of Science and Technology (Krakow,…