Person: David Strangway

David Strangway

David Strangway has announced his intention to leave the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) on March 31/04. Strangway informed the CFI’s board of directors of his decision at a meeting in June, requesting a nine-month renewal of his contract. A consultant hired by the CFI will assist the board in finding a replacement. Strangway joined…

Douglas Muzyka

Douglas Muzyka, president and CEO of Dupont Canada, has been appointed VP and GM of Dupont Nutrition & Health. Muzyka joined Dupong in 1985 as a research scientist and has held a number of positions in North America and Asia Pacific. Dupont Liquid Packaging Systems is the largest business unit of Dupont Nutrition & Health…

Dr Veena Rawat

Dr Veena Rawat has been appointed VP marketing and business development at the Communications Research Centre (CRC). Rawat comes to CRC from Industry Canada where she spent 28 years, the last six as deputy DG spectrum engineering with responsibility for terrestrial wireless services, mobile satellite and space sciences services, export technology transfer and EMC analysis.…

Lawrence Aronovitch

Lawrence Aronovitch has been appointed director of government relations and public affairs for the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (AUCC), effective September 1. Aronovitch is currently an AUCC senior policy analyst specializing in research and knowledge transfer. He completed his BA in history and physics at Harvard Univ and did post doctoral work…