Person: Alex Navarre

Should university mindset about innovation evolve?

Canada’s innovation ranking over the past two decades has not improved, according to the latest OECD data. Let me express alarm in the situation as publicly funded research is an important contributor to innovation.

Alex Navarre

Is there a power struggle within academia?
By Alex Navarre

When the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada sent a delegation of more than 20 university presidents to Parliament Hill last month, they were not alone.

Alex Navarre

Universities, a universe of challenges confronted by elusive visions
By Alex Navarre

University mission was self-defined over the years as first and foremost, to train students to acquire in-depth analytical rigor (which distinguishes universities from vocational schools); second, to conduct frontier research that will put that advanced knowledge to test and give the opportunity for graduate students to work on current issues; and third, a fuzzy concept of services to society interpreted by university presidents in many political ways to serve their interests vis-à-vis their stakeholders.

Dr Martha Crago

Dr Martha Crago has been appointed VP research at Dalhousie Univ, replacing Dr Carl Breckenridge who is retiring from the position after eight years. Crago will also hold the international relations portfolio which is being added to the position. Crago comes to Dalhousie from the Univ of Montreal where she served as vice-rector international and…

Dr Richard Isnor

Dr Richard Isnor has been appointed manager of NSERC-Atlantic in Moncton NB, effective April 7, replacing interim manager Catherine Vardy. Isnor comes to NSERC from the International Development Research Centre where he was director of innovation, policy and science since late 2005. Prior to that he was director of biotechnology horizontal initiatives and interdepartmental relations…

Alex Navarre

Alex Navarre has been appointed manager of NSERC-Quebec effective March 17. Navarre comes to NSERC from the Univ of Western Ontario (UWO) where he held the position of director of technology transfer and industry liaison since October/04. Prior to that, he held the same position at McGill Univ. Navarre received an MBA from UWO and…

Any issues in knowledge transfer?

Whatever the terminology, bureaucrats, and now politicians, have become acutely aware of the possible deficit in terms of commercial translation of university research.