Organization: Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization – International Vaccine Centre

The Short Report – May 27, 2020: DMZ and Ryerson Futures merge; Canadian psychedelic research gets boost; CFI launches $25-million competition; progress on a homegrown COVID-19 vaccine; and more

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council has awarded $76 million for 128 new applied research projects at colleges, cégeps and polytechnics. Funded through the tri-agency College and Community Innovation Program and the College-Industry Innovation Fund from the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the investments will connect colleges with local companies, particularly small- and medium-sized enterprises, to collaborate on projects that further…

The Short Report, May 13, 2020: Public trust in science rising; new COVID-19 advisory councils created; OneEleven ceases operations; and more

COVID-19 NEWS Canadians’ trust in doctors, scientists and the government has increased since the cornovirus pandemic began, finds public opinion polls from January and repeated on May 1 and May 2. Conducted by Proof Strategies CanTrust Index of Ottawa, the survey found that 76% of Canadians trusted doctors and 70% trusted scientists. The follow up…

The Short Report, March 25, 2020: Tech CEOs implore Ottawa to protect their industry, the NGEN supercluster commits $50M to scaling up production of supplies to fight COVID-19, and more

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research launched a new COVID-19 funding opportunity for operating grants called the “COVID-19 Clinical Epidemiology Research Rapid Response.” The application deadline is this Friday, March 27, and successful applicants will be notified of the decision on April 1. The competition description emphasizes the viruses “many unknown epidemiological parameters, particularly with respect…

CDRD collaborates with Saskatchewan consortium

The Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) has teamed with a consortium of Saskatchewan-based organizations to establish the CDRD-Saskatchewan Innovation Fund for accelerating the commercialization of health discoveries emanating from the province’s research institutions. CDRD is committing $1 million to be matched by a consortium comprised of the Univ of Saskatchewan‘s College of Pharmacy…

CDRD collaborates with Saskatchewan consortium

The Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) has teamed with a consortium of Saskatchewan-based organizations to establish the CDRD-Saskatchewan Innovation Fund for accelerating the commercialization of health discoveries emanating from the province’s research institutions. CDRD is committing $1 million to be matched by a consortium comprised of the Univ of Saskatchewan‘s College of Pharmacy…