Organization: Univ of Saskatchewan

Dr Ingrid J. Pickering

Science minister Kirsty Duncan has announced the appointment of the first woman chair of the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), a federal agency funding and supporting advanced research infrastructure. Dr Ingrid J. Pickering will lead the CFI board of directors for a term of three years effective immediately. She replaces Dr Kevin Smith, who served…

Innovation stakeholders differ on new IP strategy

The federal government has unveiled details of its eagerly anticipated new intellectual property (IP) strategy to help innovators better protect their intellectual assets, encourage innovation and defend themselves against so-called patent trolls. However, different stakeholders who spoke to RE$EARCH MONEY have different perspectives on what the IP strategy means to the innovation ecosystem, suggesting that one size doesn’t fit all.

CCA names five to Scientific Advisory Committee

The Council of Canadian Academies has appointed David Castle, Sophie D’Amours, Malcolm King, Barbara Neis and Nicole Poirier to its scientific advisory committee. The committee advises the CCA’s board of directors on expert assessments, particularly on question selection and expert panel membership. Castle is VP research, and a professor in the School of Public Administration,…

Pulse crop breeding R&D receives $23 million

Saskatchewan Pulse Growers (SPG) has increased its funding for pulse crop breeding with a $23-million investment in the Univ of Saskatchewan‘s Crop Development Centre (CDC). The funding will be applied to the third five-year term of a 15-year agreement between SPG and CDC. Signed in 2005, SPG contributed $6.2 million in the first term and…

IMII supports deep aquifer research at U of S

The International Minerals Innovation Institute (IMII) is investing $325,000 in the Univ of Saskatchewan to launch a project examining deep groundwater systems (aquifers) to achieve sustainable resource development in the mining and other extraction sectors. The project has submitted an application to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council to secure matching funds. To be…

WD supports U of S biofuels technology development

Western Economic Diversification has awarded $539,000 to the Univ of Saskatchewan to purchase equipment to develop and commercialize technologies for the purification and conversion of raw glycerol. A by-product of processing canola into biodiesel, glycerol has limited commercial value but U of S researchers hope its new purification technology could double the price companies can…

WD supports U of S biofuels technology development

Western Economic Diversification has awarded $539,000 to the Univ of Saskatchewan to purchase equipment to develop and commercialize technologies for the purification and conversion of raw glycerol. A by-product of processing canola into biodiesel, glycerol has limited commercial value but U of S researchers hope its new purification technology could double the price companies can…

CDRD collaborates with Saskatchewan consortium

The Centre for Drug Research and Development (CDRD) has teamed with a consortium of Saskatchewan-based organizations to establish the CDRD-Saskatchewan Innovation Fund for accelerating the commercialization of health discoveries emanating from the province’s research institutions. CDRD is committing $1 million to be matched by a consortium comprised of the Univ of Saskatchewan‘s College of Pharmacy…