Organization: Univ of Calgary

StatoilHydro invests in university R&D

Norway’s StatoilHydro has entered into an $8-million, five-year R&D collaboration with one Norwegian and three Canadian universities to support PhD students in exploring more environmentally friendly methods for extracting heavy oil and oil sands. The Canadian universities will collaborate with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology within their respective areas of expertise. The Univ…

Alberta opens nanotech commercialization centre

The Alberta and federal governments are contributing $8 million and $3.5 million respectively to establish the Alberta Centre for Advanced Microsystems and Nanotechnology Products (ACAMP) in Edmonton. The Centre plans to assist the province’s nascent nanotech sector by supporting commercialization in the areas of packaging and assembly, business and product development and marketing. ACAMP will…

TransAlta to pilot test Alstom’s CCS technology

TransAlta Corp has partnered with Alstom to pilot test the French-based multinational’s chilled ammonia process for carbon capture and storage (CCS). An initial $12-million contract will see the development and validation of the technology with subsequent phases leading to the beginning of testing in 2012. The new technology promises one of the lowest cost solutions…

AHFMR awards $59 million for health research

The Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research (AHFMR) has awarded $59 million to 54 researchers. The recipients will receive the awards over seven years and are considered among the richest and lengthiest health research awards in Canada. The Univ of Alberta received $29 million for 32 of its researchers while 24 researchers at the Univ…

NeuroScience Canada awards $3 million

NeuroScience Canada has awarded two $1.5-million grants to two research teams to pursue research on brain repair with high breakthrough potential. The Funding was provided by the WB Family Foundation ($1 million), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (a partnering grant of $500,000) and gifts from the corporate community, private donor and foundations. The grant…

CFI announces Leaders Opportunity Fund awards

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has announced the winners of its Leaders Opportunity Fund. Of the $39 million in awards, $32.6 million went to 207 research projects. The remaining $6.5 million was awarded under the Infrastructure Operating Fund to assist institutions with costs associated with the new projects. Ontario received the largest share ($14.2…

U of C receives $6.2 million for geomatics research

The Univ of Calgary‘s school of engineering has received $6.2 million for geomatics research development of three new global satellite systems. Funding was provided by iCORE ($3.1 million), industry partners ($2.2 million) and Western Economic Diversification ($0.9 million) and will assists the university in its goal of becoming a national centre of excellence in geomatics…

Alberta signs multifaceted MOU with Hewlett-Packard

Alberta’s annual technology mission to California has produced an MOU with Hewlett-Packard, Palo Alto CA, covering three potential research projects worth more than $8 million. The agreement builds upon preliminary discussions held with H-P during the 2005 mission (R$, February 7/05). The proposed projects include: a new data research facility at the Univ of Calgary…

Precarn funds graduate students

Precarn Inc has awarded $540,000 to support a variety of disciplines relating to university-based robotics and intelligent systems projects. The $7,500 awards went to 72 graduate students in areas such as electrical and mechanical engineering and psychology. Precarn has also made an award of nearly $1 million to support a surveillance project led by MacDonald,…

Canadian institutions rank well in postdoc survey

Four Canadian institutions ranked in the top 10 non-US institutions as the best place to work for post doctoral students in the life sciences, according to a recent survey by The Scientist. Institutions that made the top 10 are: Dalhousie Univ (#4), Mount Sinai Hospital (#6), Univ of Calgary (#38) and Univ of Alberta (#10).…