Organization: Univ of Calgary

CAIP awards $6 million to Alberta organizations

The Univ of Alberta and two partners have been awarded $6 million over five years for the delivery of incubator and accelerator services for firms in the health and energy sectors. The funding comes from the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program (CAIP) which is providing $100 million in funding to 15 organizations across Canada (R$,…

Carbon Management Canada signs MOU with UK counterpart

Carbon Management Canada (CMC), a Network of Centres of Excellence, has signed a memorandum of understanding with the UK Carbon Capture and Storage Research Centre (UKCCSRC) to facilitate collaborative projects at the CMC’s field research station currently under development in conjunction with the Univ of Calgary. The MOU is intended to lower the cost of…

CSA awards $6.2 million for space weather research

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) has awarded $6.2 million for 10 projects at five universities to study how space weather affects the ionosphere and its impacts on technology. The awards were made to the Univ of Alberta, Univ of Saskatchewan, Univ of New Brunswick, Univ of Calgary and Athabasca Univ. Funding comes from the CSA’s…

Stem Cells Inc acquires Calgary-based NeuroSpheres

Calgary-based NeuroSpheres Holdings Ltd has been acquired by Newark CA-based Stem Cells Inc for an undisclosed sum. Neurospheres was created as a spin-out from the Univ of Calgary in 1991 by Drs Samuel Weiss and Brent Reynolds and Innovate Calgary (UTI LP) is a major shareholder. StemCell was previously granted exclusive, world wide rights to…

Institutions to receive CERC chairs announced

The results of the first phase of the second smaller round of the Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) program have been announced with eight universities given the go-ahead to nominate world-renowned researchers to fill 11 chairs. The competition was announced in the 2011 federal Budget and launched last December, with 10 chairs worth $10 million…

Second Canadian joins SKA organizational board

A second Canadian has been added to the organization board of the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project which will determine the location of the massive installation in either Australia/New Zealand or South Africa. The Univ of Calgary‘s Dr Russ Taylor will join the board, along with fellow Canadian Dr Greg Fahlman representing the National Research…

QS ranking includes 10 Canadian universities

McGill Univ is the top ranked of 10 Canadian university that were placed in the latest world university ranking by Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), a UK-based student services firm. McGill ranked 19th in the 2010 ranking of 400 institutions and was one of four that placed in the top 100 ahead of the Univ of Toronto…

CANARIE upgrades network, funds new projects.

CANARIE Inc has announced a critical upgrade of its national research network that will dramatically increase network capacity 10-fold. The upgrade was achieved with the installation of ethernet routers from Juniper Network Inc, Sunnyvale CA, allowing researchers to exchange and analyze large data volumes more quickly. The upgrade was unveiled at CANARIE’s Summit 09 conference…

GSK endows research chair at Univ of Manitoba

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is contributing $1 million to the Univ of Manitoba to establish an endowment for a research chair in the immunobiology of infectious disease. The funds will be used to establish the chair and recruit a top researcher as chairholder. The GSK endowment is part of the company’s $22-million initiative — Pathfinders Fund for…

U of C to build biomedical engineering facility

The Univ of Calgary is creating a National Biomedical Engineering Innovation Centre (NBEIC) to develop and commercialize diagnostic and treatment technologies for the health care sector. The Centre is described as a Canadian first as it brings together university, government and private sector researchers and commercialization experts under one roof. The objective is to accelerate…