Organization: Univ of Alberta

Agbiotech spin-off receives $2.3 million

A new Univ of Alberta spin-off has received $2.3 million in venture capital from AVAC Ltd, Calgary and Foragen Technologies Management Inc, Saskatoon. Ceven Bioproducts Inc was created to commercialize new grain fractionation technology developed at the U of A by Dr Feral Temelli and Dr Thava Vasanthan. The technology when applied to cereal grains…

NSERC expands Northern Research Chairs program

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has expanded its Northern Research Chairs program with the announcement of an additional $6.1 million to fund six new chairs. The chairs will be located at Carleton Univ, McGill Univ, Univ of Manitoba, Univ of Alberta, Univ of Laval and Wilfred Laurier Univ. They will focus their…

Canada Research Chairs program makes more awards

The Canada Research Chairs (CRC) program has announced $83 million in funding for 76 researchers, bringing the total awarded to date to 271. Tier I (experienced) researchers received 50 chairs, while Tier II (rising star) researchers received 26 chairs. The universities receiving the most chairs in this round were all from the west: Univ of…

CSA and CITR launch research program

The Canadian Space Agency (CSA) and the Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research (CITR) have selected the first projects stemming from a $1.9-million, potentially renewal agreement focused on leading-edge space communications systems and technologies. The CSA will provide the funds over the next five years for research awards and collaborative research initiatives involving industrial partners. The…

CFI invest $9.6M in new opportunities projects

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has invested $9.6 million under its New Opportunities Fund for attracting and retaining Canadian talent. The awards cover 40% of eligible costs and will support 59 projects at 25 universities and involve 82 researchers. The big winner in the latest competition is the Univ of Alberta, which received 10…