Organization: Univ of Alberta

Alberta Budget 2018: Alberta looks to diversification to grow economy

Alberta’s NDP government tabled its 2018 Budget on March 22 by reiterating a long-standing objective of diversifying its economy, both in its traditional strengths in energy and in emerging sectors, including life sciences, clean technology and health innovation.

NCE shortlists 11 for 2018-19 competition

The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) has announced 11 shortlisted candidates that will proceed to the next phase of the 2018-19 competition that is open to both new and established networks. The 11 networks bested 58 other proposals and will submit full proposals by July. This competition marks the first time both new and…

Air Canada to participate in NRC biofuels contrail and emissions project

Air Canada is teaming with the National Research Council to undertake a project examining the benefits of biofuel use on contrails —clouds formed when water vapor condenses and freezes around small particles in aircraft exhaust. The project involves five biofuel flights operated by Air Canada and followed by a 1960s-era T-33 Canadair research jet equipped…

APEC mental health hub pitched for Canada

The Univ of British Columbia and the Univ of Alberta have joined the Mood Disorders Society of Canada to request $5 million over five years in start-up funding from the federal government for an Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Digital Hub to promote mental wellness in Canada and the Asia Pacific region. The request was contained…

TRTECH (TRLabs) folds after 30-year run

TRTech, formerly TRLabs, is ceasing operations after 30 years following withdrawal of support from backing provinces. The decision to close the pan-prairie information and communications technology innovation organization comes just three years after a name change. The Edmonton-based TRTech expanded to Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina and Winnipeg in the 1990s, becoming one of the largest R&D…

CAIP awards $6 million to Alberta organizations

The Univ of Alberta and two partners have been awarded $6 million over five years for the delivery of incubator and accelerator services for firms in the health and energy sectors. The funding comes from the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program (CAIP) which is providing $100 million in funding to 15 organizations across Canada (R$,…