Organization: U.S. government

Opinion Leader: A Canadian DARPA will need an enabling ecosystem to succeed

As Canada and other countries look to the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) as a model to drive innovation, it is vital to recognize that DARPA isn’t simply a “plug and play” model but requires a supportive, integrated ecosystem and an enabling culture, says Dr. Camille Boulet, PhD, senior partner at Global Advantage Consulting, in an op-ed.

Opinion Leader: Federal government must provide predictable funding for health research

The federal government needs to make it an urgent priority to provide increased and predictable funding for health and biosciences research, or risk losing the nation’s health research workforce to competing countries like the U.S., the U.K. and Australia, says Paul-Émile Cloutier, president and CEO of HealthCareCAN, in an op-ed.

Biotechnology and engineering biology roadmap plus investment are key to Canada’s economic recovery

The federal government needs to support an inclusive engineering biology ecosystem that leverages Canadian-grown capacities across industry, academia and government, Bettina Hamelin, president and CEO of Ontario Genomics, says in an editorial. Canada needs a comprehensive and aligned roadmap for a public-private partnership and investment strategy to benefit from the increasing opportunities in this emerging sector, she says.