Organization: the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities

U15 pre-budget submission: Canada must invest in talent, research and security to stay competitive

As it emerges from the pandemic, Canada faces an increasingly competitive R&D environment and a rapidly evolving geopolitical landscape. The federal government should invest in people, invest strategically in Canada’s research ecosystem and invest in rebuilding campuses for tomorrow, according to a pre-Budget submission by the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities.

The Short Report – Oct. 6, 2021: McGill’s new innovation fund, an insect research facility for USask, U15 calls for investment in university security measures, and more

McGill makes history with the launch of its innovation fund, an insect research facility at USask will be one of a handful to conduct research on arthropod plant pests and beneficial insects in Canada, the U15 Group of Canadian Research Universities calls for investment in university security systems, and more.