Organization: Sanofi Pasteur Limited

After billions in funding, Strategic Innovation Fund failed to improve Canada’s innovation performance, experts say

Nearly $3.4 billion in federal spending through the Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) during the last three years has failed to improve Canada’s “disastrous” innovation performance and productivity, say some innovation and policy experts. An analysis by Research Money of SIF data shows that Ontario, Quebec and foreign-based firms have received the lion’s share of SIF funding.

Vaccine independence requires a 21st-Century Connaught Labs, policy experts argue

The federal and Ontario governments recently announced a $470-million investment to expand Sanofi Pasteur Limited’s vaccine manufacturing capability. But for Canada to be truly self-sufficient in vaccine development and production, critics say other models must be considered—including a 21st-century version of Connaught Labs. 

Sanofi to build vaccine facility with government help

Sanofi Pasteur Limited will receive up to $70 million to help construct the 150,000-square-foot Bulk Biologics Facility at the Connaught Campus in Toronto. The governments of Canada and Ontario contributed the amount to help establish the $500-million vaccine-manufacturing facility. Through the Advanced Manufacturing Fund, FedDev Ontario contributed $20 million, which is a repayable contribution. For its…