Organization: Re$earch Money


An article on Open Government in the June 7th issue of RE$EARCH MONEY did not make clear that only research supported by the granting councils’ Tri-Council Open Access Policy that is published in peer reviewed journals is made available to the widest possible audience. The Tri-Agency Data Management Policy is still under development and is…

In Memoriam

It is with great sadness that RE$EARCH MONEY notes the passing of Gordon Hutchison, the newsletter’s founding publisher. Hutchison died March 25th at age 73 after a battle with cancer. He founded Evert Communications Ltd in 1972 and built it into a stable of six influential business-to-business newsletters serving and reporting on developments in electronics…


In the February 8/08 issue of RE$EARCH MONEY, incorrect information was published on Zenon Woychyshyn, executive director of Industry Canada’s Industrial Technologies Office (see page 4). Woychyshyn was previously director of Economic Development Canada’s aerospace team specializing in aerospace expert financing issues. The biographical information incorrectly attributed to him pertains to Roch Chouinard, director of…


In the October 24/05 edition of RE$EARCH MONEY, a listing of Canadian Nobel Laureates omitted Dr Gerhard Herzberg, the 1971 winner for chemistry. We regret the error….

Clarification on MaRS story

In its January 20/03 issue, RE$EARCH MONEY ran a lead story on the MaRS project in Toronto. In the breakdown of funding raised to date, the story neglected to include the contribution of the Univ of Toronto. U of T was an early and critical supporter of the project, committing $5 million in late 2000…

OST restructures and new group forms

A split amongst the principles at the Obervatoire de science et des technologies (OST) has resulted in the restructuring of that organization and the creation of a new body examining science and innovation indicators (R$, October 7/02). The OST is being restructured with $60,000 in assistance from the Univ of Quebec and has established a…

Normand to push for creation of Minister of Science

The push to re-establish a federal Minister of Science is being revived by Dr Gilbert Normand, secretary of state for science, research and development. Normand confirmed to RE$EARCH MONEY that he is making it a priority and will be actively pursuing the idea this fall. He has already discussed it with prime minister Jean Chrétien…


Haig Farris was incorrectly identified in the June 25/01 issue of RE$EARCH MONEY. Farris was recently awarded the BCTIA Bill Thompson Award. We apologize for the error….