Organization: Public Policy Forum

CAPI report fleshes out targets and actions required to make Canada a globally competitive agriculture and agri-food superpower

Last year’s Barton panel report on the agri-food sector continues to resonate with additional consultation and analysis of its recommended policies and actions aimed at sustainably boosting exports to $75 billion by 2025.

The Canadian Agri-food Policy Institute (CAPI) launched a series of workshops to determine what specific actions are required to achieve the sector’s export objectives with a subsequent report – Barton Forward: Optimizing Growth in the Canadian Agri-Food Sector – posing and answering four key questions:

ERA-Can Plus Canadian-EU research collaboration

Seven European and Canadian organization have launched an initiative to raise awareness in Canada about collaborative research opportunities between the two jurisdictions. ERA-Can Plus will publicize the opportunities through policy dialogue, research exchanges and information sharing. The initiative is occurring as the EU launches its Eighth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation — a CDN$92-billion,…

ERA-Can Plus Canadian-EU research collaboration

Seven European and Canadian organization have launched an initiative to raise awareness in Canada about collaborative research opportunities between the two jurisdictions. ERA-Can Plus will publicize the opportunities through policy dialogue, research exchanges and information sharing. The initiative is occurring as the EU launches its Eighth Framework Programme for Research and Innovation — a CDN$92-billion,…

Feds establish CSA advisory committee

The federal government has created the Advisory Committee on the Canadian Space Agency, a new body formed to provide advice on space and the priorities and overall direction of the CSA. The committee will work with interim CSA president Guy Bujold to advise Industry minister Jim Prentice on current expenditures and the potential for future…