Organization: Pratt & Whitney Canada

Aerospace sector gets federal support for innovative helicopters

An aerospace consortium led by Québec-based Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Ltd. is receiving $49.5 million from the federal government to develop innovative technologies for integration into next-generation helicopters. Support was provided through the Strategic Innovation Fund. With fully autonomous aerial systems, the innovative helicopters will be designed to fly either with or without crew on…

Pratt & Whitney gets facility upgrade and R&D centre

Pratt & Whitney Canada has embarked on a $275-million, five-year investment in its Quebec facilities and new technologies including an $80-million World-Class Centre of Excellence for Intelligent Manufacturing. The investment by parent company United Technologies Corp, Hartford CT, includes a $19-million contribution by the Quebec government to preserve existing jobs and support the new R&D…

Feds and Manitoba support icing research centre

Western Economic Diversification Canada is investing $13.4 million in a new Canadian Environmental Test Research and Education Centre (CanETREC) in Thompson MB. The facility is also receiving $9 million from the province of Manitoba in the form of a secured, repayable loan. The centre, which has been on the books for a number of years,…

Pratt & Whitney Canada expands Halifax facility

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is expanding its presence in Halifax with the second phase of a $45-million investment cost-shared between the Longueuil QC-based firm and the Nova Scotia government. The second $25-million phase will add 25 employees to the current workforce of 360 and also see increased collaboration with area universities such as Dalhousie…

Pratt & Whitney to boost R&D spending by $250 million

Pratt & Whitney Canada has announced an additional $250 million in R&D spending over three years with the assistance of a $75-million loan from the Quebec government. The assistance, repayable from royalties on sales, will be managed by Investissement Quebec. The new funding will support R&D aimed at validation, integration and improvement of engine performance,…

NRC to build two new aerospace facilities

The National Research Council (NRC) has designed and built a pilot-scale facility to study what is being described as a quantum leap in aerodynamic test techniques. The Ottawa-based facility is intended to help commercialize the NRC’s technology and builds on a recent licensing agreement between NRC and Toronto’s Ailios Engineering Corp. The technology represents a…