Organization: Next Generation Manufacturing Canada

General business support programs don’t work. Instead, focus on competitive tax policies, manufacturing institutes, and opportunity zones: Policy paper

The Ontario government spends approximately $5 billion a year on business support programs, many of which don’t stand up to cost-benefit analysis, according to Jamison Steeve and Sean Speer in a new paper published by Ontario 360, a public policy research group housed at the University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy.

Advanced manufacturing and protein industries superclusters sign funding agreements with ISED

Two of the five Canadian superclusters in ISED’s $950-million Innovation Superclusters Initiative have signed funding agreements and are set to launch. On November 13, economic development minister Navdeep Bains announced the investment of nearly $230 million in the Ontario-based Next Generation Manufacturing Supercluster (NGen), while public safety minister Ralph Goodale, speaking on behalf of ISED,…