Organization: Networks of Centres of Excellence

Industry digital network works with Ontario to help SMEs accelerate time to market

The Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) is working with the Centre of Excellence in Next Generation Networks (CENGN) to offer the Next Generation Network Program (NGNP) to small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Ontario government is contributing $63 million to the partnership, but with matching funds from the private sector, the total will rise to $115 million.

Editorial – 30-9

Kudos to the tri-agency Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) for finally doing the right thing and offering the prospect of renewed support to deserving networks beyond the current funding limits of three, five-year terms.

Sunsetting and former NCEs thrown potential new lifeline in latest competition

A long-standing grievance that has plagued the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) since its creation 28 years ago is finally being addressed in the tri-agency’s latest funding competition. For the first time ever, the NCE is allowing former networks to compete alongside new networks for funding. Up for grabs is $75 million for over five years with the option to renew.

Canada to lead council of global research funders

Canada’s renewed efforts to raise its profile on the global stage were bolstered last week with news that Dr. Mario Pinto will take over as chair of the Global Research Council (GRC), a federation comprising the heads of 70 science and engineering funding councils from 50 countries. The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) president replaces Dr. Yuichiro Anzai, president of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, who now becomes vice-chair. As GRC chair, Pinto will represent the interests of Canada’s major research granting agencies.

Mitacs to realize goal of placing 10,000 internships throughout industry, not-for-profit sector and government

Mitacs’ long-term goal of supporting 10,000 internships annually has become a reality with a $211-million investment from the federal government. Announced in the recent federal Budget, the five-year funding commitment beings this FY at $12 million and ramps up to $80 million by FY21-22, providing an unprecedented infusion of post-secondary talent into industry and the not-for-profit sector.

Basic science needs better oversight and coordination, and more money: Expert panel

R$ talks to David Naylor

A federally commissioned blue-chip panel calling for greater coherence and financial support for fundamental research has made a series of 35 recommendations, including a $1.3-billion increase in the budgets of the three granting councils, the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and related entities over the next four years.

MEOPAR and Frailty Network funding renewed

The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program has announced $52 million in funding over five years to renew funding for two centres — the Marine Environmental, Observation, Prediction and Response network (MEOPAR) and the Canadian Frailty Network (CFN).

WD funds Carbon Research Institutes field station

Western Economic Diversification Canada is providing $4.9 million for the creation of a field research station (FRS) to accelerate technology development and performance validation related to carbon capture and storage. The FRS project is led by the Containment and Monitoring Institute, the first of a planned series of institutes under the CMC Research Institutes banner.…