Organization: McMaster Univ

NRC, Agfa and McMaster to create medical test registry

The National Research Council has signed a multi-partner collaborative agreement to launch the Dose Registry and Radiation Exposure Monitor. The project aims to establish a first-in-Canada registry for patients undergoing medical tests and commercialize the results worldwide. The NRC’s Institute for Information Technology is partnering with McMaster Univ, Hamilton Health Sciences Corp and Agfa HealthCare…

NRCan and McMaster sign lab transfer MOU

Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and McMaster Univ have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) that clarifies and outlines the critical components of the relocation of the CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory from Ottawa to Hamilton. The transfer of the laboratory to the McMaster Innovation Park was funded in the latest federal Budget, following through on a…

Ontario Research Fund announces new investments

The Ontario government has announced $45 million for five major research projects as part of $115 million in investments approved under the first round of the Ontario Research Fund‘s Research Excellence Program (ORF-REP). The REP funds typically cover one third of project costs led by provincial universities. The new investments are: Ontario BioCar Initiative, Univ…

Ontario universities sign India agreements

Ontario universities and businesses signed a flurry of deals and MOUs with Indian counterparts as part of an official Ontario mission to India and Pakistan. MOUs for student and faculty exchanges and R&D initiatives were signed by McMaster Univ, York Univ, Univ of Waterloo, Ryerson Univ and Univ of Windsor. PCI Geomatics signed an MOU…

McMaster Univ launches Canada’s first RFID lab

McMaster Univ has the launched Canada’s first RFID R&D laboratory in a bid to establish a viable domestic industry for this rapidly growing field. The McMaster RFID Applications Lab (MRAL) has the support of several companies and OCE Inc, and has launched a pilot project with the Hamilton Health Sciences Centre to develop an equipment…

Group IV to develop solid state light bulb

Group IV Semiconductor Inc is developing a silicon-based light bulb that uses 90% less energy than incandescent bulbs and lasts 20 years. The Ottawa-based firm launched the $9.1-million, three year project with $2.1 million in assistance from Sustainable Development Technologies Canada and $2.5 million from the EnCana Environmental Innovation Fund, with the remainder coming from…

NSERC provides funding to photonics research network

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has announced funding for a new broadband research network. NSERC will provide $7 million over five years to the Agile All-Photonics Research Network (AAPN), that permits the capacity of entire national networks to be transmitted over a single fibre. Nearly $1 million and in-kind support was provided…

Higher death rates in for-profit hospitals

A Canadian study of extensive US data has concluded that a switch by Canada to for-profit hospitals would result in 2,000 more deaths each year. Led by PJ Devereaux , a cardiologist at McMaster Univ’s Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, the study is a systematic review and meta analysis and based on 15 observational…

CFI invest $9.6M in new opportunities projects

The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) has invested $9.6 million under its New Opportunities Fund for attracting and retaining Canadian talent. The awards cover 40% of eligible costs and will support 59 projects at 25 universities and involve 82 researchers. The big winner in the latest competition is the Univ of Alberta, which received 10…


McMaster Univ has received $3.3 million from the Ontario R&D Challenge Fund (CF) to undertake research into structural engineering. The Ontario government money, which is matched by the university and three industry partners, will go toward establishing a Centre for Effective Design Structures, and will pay for three endowed chairs and a new professor in…