Organization: McMaster Univ

Sudbury project gets $1.6M to tackle GHG issue

The Landscape Carbon Accumulation Research (L-CARE) project of Laurentian Univ is receiving a total of $1.6 million to support its research on addressing greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in Ontario. Of the total funds, 50% or $798,000 is from the TargetGHG program under the Ontario Green Investment Fund announced in Budget 2015. The other half will…

Dr Kevin Smith

Dr Kevin Smith will join the University Health Network (UHN) as president and CEO effective May 22. Known for his contribution to the healthcare systems at the national and provincial level, Smith is currently president and CEO of St. Joseph’s Health System in Hamilton and CEO of Niagara Health System. Smith is also serving as chair…

Hamilton post-secondary institutions open pilot innovation hub

Hamilton’s post-secondary institutions have banded together to launch CityLAB Hamilton, a pilot innovation hub where students can collaborate, design, launch and test products to address local issues such as climate change, municipal excellence and healthy neighbourhoods. McMaster Univ, Mohawk College and Redeemer College are collaborating on the new innovation hub which is aimed at giving…

FedDev Ontario backs McMaster’s BEAM facility

McMaster Univ‘s Fraunhofer Project Centre for Biomedical Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing (BEAM) has received a $12-million federal grant, matching $12 million in commitments from the Government of Ontario, City of Hamilton and McMaster. Other organizations and private sector partners have contributed $9 million, bringing the project’s investment to $33 million. Slated to open in 2017,…

Ontario boosts research collaboration with Israel

The Government of Ontario and several provincial universities have signed a series research, technology and innovation agreements with the Israeli government. The government-to-government memorandum of understanding includes $10 million in joint funding for academic-industry collaborations and $10 million forindustrial agreements through the Ontario-Israel Collaboration Program — the latter representing an additional $4 million over existing…

Cochrane Canada returning to McMaster with new director

The Cochrane Canada Centre is returning to McMaster Univ following support from a benefactor who will be announced in the near future. The Centre was slated for closure following a 2015 decision not to renew central funding by the cash-strapped Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The centre — one of 14 worldwide — received…

AllerGen successfully completes mid-term review

AllerGen, the Allergy, Genes and Environment Network, has successfully passed its second mid-term review and will receive funding until 2019. Launched in 2005, the classic Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE) will receive the maximum funding allowable under (now modified) NCE rules. In 2012, it was awarded $36.6 million ($5.2 million annually) for its second…

NSERC Discovery Frontiers short list announced

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) has released a short list of six proposals for its Discovery Frontiers competition. The fund provides $1 million annually over four years to successful applicants. Projects submitting full proposals are: New Materials for Clean Energy and Enhanced Energy Efficiency from Heavy Oil and Oil Sands Reservoirs (Univ…