Organization: Invest Ottawa

Canada growing more $1-billion “unicorn” companies, global startup ecosystem report shows

More Canadian companies are remaining in Canada to grow “unicorns” (firms with a $1-billion or more valuation) rather than selling early to foreign entities, according to data in Startup Genome’s 2022 Global Startup Ecosystem Report. Meanwhile, in Atlantic Canada the number of startups slowed for the second year in a row, according to a separate report by Nova Scotia-based Entrevestor.

The Short Report, May 6, 2020: AbCellera receives $175.6M for COVID-19 therapies; Canada contributes $850 million to global pandemic response; new “super angel” fund launches; and more

Vancouver-based AbCellera Biologics will receive up to $175.6 million from the federal Strategic Innovation Fund to fast-track antibody therapies against COVID-19. The funding will also go to build a first-of-its-kind antibody manufacturing facility over the next four years to help Canada respond to future pandemics. AbCellera has partnered with global biopharmaceutical company Eli Lilly to…

The Short Report, February 12, 2020: Canada takes a step toward joining Horizon Europe; NSERC funding for basic research takes a dive; Google pursues rapid Canadian expansion

Microsoft is partnering with Invest Ottawa and the Bayview Yards business accelerator to offer technical and business resources to entrepreneurs. Called Microsoft for Startups, the program gives innovative Ottawa companies access to its cloud services, enterprise sales team and partner ecosystem. – Ottawa Matters Canada Infrastructure Bank CEO Pierre Lavallée signalled the bank is considering an investment…