Organization: Innovative Medicines Canada

Health Research Foundation supports health system resilience in wake of COVID

The Health Research Foundation, created by the pharmaceutical industry consortium Innovative Medicines Canada, has created two research chairs at the University of British Colombia and the Northern Ontario School of Medicine. The two posts are dedicated to exploring how to make Canadian health care more resilient to major challenges such as the Covid-19 pandemic.

Vaccine independence requires a 21st-Century Connaught Labs, policy experts argue

The federal and Ontario governments recently announced a $470-million investment to expand Sanofi Pasteur Limited’s vaccine manufacturing capability. But for Canada to be truly self-sufficient in vaccine development and production, critics say other models must be considered—including a 21st-century version of Connaught Labs. 

Excerpts: Research ecosystem reacts to Budget 2018

The whole ecosystem is patting themselves on the back, confident that their concerted efforts to lobby behind the Naylor report recommendations — foremost of which was an increase in budget – did not fall on deaf ears. RE$EARCH MONEY offers excerpts of what the ecosystem has to say about the federal budget.

Pharmaceutical R&D spending remains far below industry’s 10% commitment – PMPRB report

Another year of less-than-impressive R&D spending by the pharmaceutical industry has re-ignited the annual sparing match between industry and the organization that compiles the data. The Patented Medicines Prices Review Board (PMPRB) reports that companies belonging to Innovative Medicines Canada (IMC – formerly Rx&D) spent $770 million on R&D in 2016 or 4.9% of its $15.6 billion in sales – a ratio unchanged from 2015.