Organization: Industrial Research Assistance Program

Federal government must improve innovation funding practices: study

The federal government needs to improve assessment of “innovation intermediaries” it funds and better target future funding for business accelerators and incubators, says a study done for the Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy at the University of Toronto.

NRC announces sweeping changes as part of Stewart-led renewal strategy

The National Research Council (NRC) will appoint a Chief Science Advisor and establish a President’s Research Excellence Advisory Committee as part of sweeping, comprehensive changes planned over the next four years. In August, the 101-year-old research institution launched several short-term actions as part of a renewal strategy undertaken by NRC president Iain Stewart, stemming from his mandate to assess and reinvigorate the organization and establish its future direction. Those actions will be followed by more initiatives in the medium term (two years) and longer term (four years).

Quebec’s Tyto Robotics expands marketing with government assistance

Gatineau QC-based Tyto Robotics is embarking on extensive marketing activities in Canada and beyond with the help of funding from the government. The $220,860 grant from the federal and provincial governments will help the technology company to market its instrumentation systems in Canada, the US and Europe. Tyto Robotics’ instruments are used to test the…

ICAMP partnering on project for improving marijuana production

North Bay ON’s Canadore College has been awarded an applied research project by Trichromes Ltd to develop an automated curing system for the production of marijuana. The project will be undertaken by Canadore’s Innovation Centre for Advanced Manufacturing and Production (ICAMP) as companies and governments ramp up activities prior to marijuana’s legalization in 2018. An…

Germany, Canada strengthen commercialization ties

The German Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and the National Research Council (NRC) signed a declaration of intent this week to stimulate and fund innovation-driven collaborations among German and Canadian small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The signing took place as part of bilateral meetings between Iris Gleicke, Parliamentary Secretary to the Federal Minister of…

NRC and Chinese S&T ministry sign innovation LOI

The National Research Council has signed a Letter of Intent with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology to promote, select and fund innovation-driven collaboration between small- and medium-sized enterprises from both nations. The LOI was signed last month in Ottawa as part of the 6th meeting of the Canada-China Joint Committee on Science, Technology…

Alberta-Ontario innovation program enhanced

The Alberta-Ontario Innovation Program (AOP) is being re-vamped to allow companies to use both cash and in-kind to match public contributions. The Ontario Centres of Excellence and Alberta Innovates-Technology Futures introduced the flexible funding model allowing in-kind contributions for matching OCE and AITF funding which ranges between $100,000 and $250,000 per project. Projects can also…

COSIA launches ARCTIC Innovation Challenge

An ARCTIC Innovation Challenge is being launched to find ways to capture and reuse low grade heat generated during oil sands operations. The initial challenge is being mounted by Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance (COSIA) and the Foresight Cleantech Accelerator Centre, a new program aimed at accelerating collaboration between industry and innovators. The COSIA ARCTIC…

Propel ICT receives $2.9 million in CAIP funding

Propel ICT has received $2.9 million from the Canada Accelerator and Incubator Program (CAIP) to assist firms in the digital technology space to grow, access financing and penetrate international markets. The accelerator, which began in New Brunswick and expanded its focus to all of Atlantic Canada, will use the funding — spread over five years…