Organization: Deep Genomics

Canada growing more $1-billion “unicorn” companies, global startup ecosystem report shows

More Canadian companies are remaining in Canada to grow “unicorns” (firms with a $1-billion or more valuation) rather than selling early to foreign entities, according to data in Startup Genome’s 2022 Global Startup Ecosystem Report. Meanwhile, in Atlantic Canada the number of startups slowed for the second year in a row, according to a separate report by Nova Scotia-based Entrevestor.

Opinion Leader: Canada’s early focus on artificial intelligence is starting to reap commercial benefits

Canada’s early contributions and long-standing academic expertise in artificial intelligence are now generating growing funding for and revenue in AI in drug development, but the country’s AI-enabled drug development industry faces significant challenges in coming years, Dr. Ulrik Kristensen, PhD, founder and principal analyst at UK-based Emersion Insights, says in an op-ed.