Organization: Dalhousie Univ

Lockheed Martin invests in two Atlantic universities

Lockheed Martin is investing $4 million in the Univ of New Brunswick and $2 million in Dalhousie Univ as part of its obligations stemming the federal government’s purchase of C130 Hercules aircraft. Under Industry Canada‘s Industrial Regional Benefits (IRB) policy, Lockheed Martin can claim a 5:1 credit under the IRB program for investing in Canadian…

Pratt & Whitney Canada expands Halifax facility

Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is expanding its presence in Halifax with the second phase of a $45-million investment cost-shared between the Longueuil QC-based firm and the Nova Scotia government. The second $25-million phase will add 25 employees to the current workforce of 360 and also see increased collaboration with area universities such as Dalhousie…

CSA funds five Mars mission project proposals

The Canadian Space Agency is providing more than $1 million to fund the development of five proposals for scientific missions to Mars. The proposals will receive a maximum of $250,000 each which will be further evaluated before making decisions on additional funding. The five proposals include: a radar satellite to study the geology of Mars…

Canadian institutions rank well in postdoc survey

Four Canadian institutions ranked in the top 10 non-US institutions as the best place to work for post doctoral students in the life sciences, according to a recent survey by The Scientist. Institutions that made the top 10 are: Dalhousie Univ (#4), Mount Sinai Hospital (#6), Univ of Calgary (#38) and Univ of Alberta (#10).…

Neuroscience research given $5.5-million boost

The Brain Repair Centre, a multidisciplinary research collaboration based in Atlantic Canada, has received $5.5 million in funding to develop stem cell lines from adult sources for use to combat health afflictions such as Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s, spinal cord injury and multiple sclerosis. The project will add to the growing concentration of neuroscience research in…

NSERC makes first design engineering chair awards

The Natural Sciences and Engineering Council (NSERC) has unveiled the first recipients of its research chairs for design engineering. The $4.8 million in awards to establish five chairs were made following a national competition and announced earlier this month in Halifax. The winning universities are: Dalhousie Univ ($810,000), Univ of Sherbrooke ($1 million), École Polytechnique…