Organization: Cybera Inc

Alberta Innovates provides $9.1-million boost for the province’s tech SMEs

Alberta Innovates is investing more than 9.1 million in 15 projects aimed at supporting Alberta’s SMEs and addressing gaps in the innovation continuum from ideation to commercialization. The largest grant — nearly $1.35 million — went to Calgary-based Cybera Inc. for its newly established Applied Data Science Lab for Economic Development program.

CanCode program to equip K-12 teachers, students with digital skills

The federal government is funding 21 projects across Canada in a program that will help develop the computer skills of the future in students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Funding will come from the $50-million CanCode program which is good for two years, starting 2017-18, and intended to equip up to one million students in…

CANARIE upgrades network, funds new projects.

CANARIE Inc has announced a critical upgrade of its national research network that will dramatically increase network capacity 10-fold. The upgrade was achieved with the installation of ethernet routers from Juniper Network Inc, Sunnyvale CA, allowing researchers to exchange and analyze large data volumes more quickly. The upgrade was unveiled at CANARIE’s Summit 09 conference…