Organization: Conference Board of Canada

Aging and innovation: the future is older

Growing old is not for sissies, and neither is the policy debate that goes with it. You are going to get older, whether you like it or not. And whether you like it, says futurist Zayna Khayat, will depend on how we define health care innovation.

How do we future-proof the Canadian economy?

Given the changing nature of work in Canada, governments, employers and educational partners will need to get creative with their support for reskilling and upskilling workers. This includes collaborating to build and modify the content of training and educational programs and incentivizing workers to retrain, says Darren Gresch, Senior Research Associate, Innovation and Technology, at the Conference Board of Canada, in an op-ed.

Could small modular reactors help to achieve Canada’s net-zero emissions goals?

Proponents say small modular nuclear reactors will be needed for Canada to meet its climate goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. But opponents argue that spending public money on the nuclear technology doesn’t make economic or environmental sense, and they’re calling on the federal government to immediately cease all such investment.

Align curricula with industry labour needs: report

A new report from the Conference Board of Canada concludes that Canadian post-secondary institutions are failing to meet the skills needs of employers. Entitled Aligning Skills Development with Labour Market Needs, the report calls for improved curricula, partnerships between educators and employers to integrate cooperative education into post-secondary learning, expanding the scope and scale of…

Innovation management report released

The Conference Board of Canada has released a new report outlining a framework for effective innovation management. Released through the board’s Centre for Business Innovation (CBI), Improving Innovation Management Decision-Making: Thinking Like an Innovator, was released at CBI’s business summit in Toronto late last month. The report is available at….

Feds fund risk analysis study for New Brunswick

Almonte ON-based RiskLogik has received $800,000 in federal funding to undertake a major risk and reliance analysis of all supply chains running through New Brunswick. The project also involved Dalhousie Univ, the Univ of New Brunswick, the Conference Board of Canada and the New Brunswick Department of Public Safety. The analysis will determine the level…