Organization: Compute Canada

Q&A with Nizar Ladak, CEO of the Digital Research Alliance of Canada, on integrating digital research infrastructure

Research Money spoke with Nizar Ladak, CEO of the Digital Research Alliance (formerly the New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization), created in 2019 to integrate and improve digital tools for Canadian researchers. We discussed the new organization’s journey and how it can ensure that Canadian researchers have the digital tools they need to tackle society’s problems today and in the future.

New digital research infrastructure organization announces first funding opportunity

Canada’s New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) — created in 2019 to fix a system that has been described at “fragmented, oversubscribed and underfunded” — has announced its first funding program. The new national not-for-profit organization says it will spend $20 million to build national research capacity and create a “broad and integrated” Canadian digital research infrastructure ecosystem.

The Short Report, December 18, 2019: Atlantic “sea ice” computing; Quebec’s digital wallet; post-Brexit Euro-futures for Canadian research

ACENET at Memorial University launched a regional advanced computing system. in Atlantic Canada called Siku, a word that means “sea ice” in Inuktitut. The centre is 50% more powerful than all of ACENET’s recently retired systems together and is interoperable with the national Compute Canada platform. Supported by the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), Siku aims to generate economic benefits for…

The Short Report, November 27, 2019: African researchers denied entry; open science gets easier; Big Oil moves into the cloud

Canada refused visas to dozens of African researchers seeking to attend the Neural Information Processing Systems conference (NeurIPS) in Vancouver next month. The visas were commonly denied on suspicions that the participants would not leave Canada once the conference was over. The issue is recurring: last year, more than 100 attendees were denied visas to the…

Robbin Tourangeau

Compute Canada has announced the appointment of Robbin Tourangeau as its interim president and CEO effective this month. Tourangeau replaces acting president and CEO Terry Lockhart, who assumed the post last fall following the departure of Mark Dietrich after three years of service. Lockhart resumes his post as director of finance. Tourangeau was most recently…