Organization: Canadian Nuclear Association

Could small modular reactors help to achieve Canada’s net-zero emissions goals?

Proponents say small modular nuclear reactors will be needed for Canada to meet its climate goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. But opponents argue that spending public money on the nuclear technology doesn’t make economic or environmental sense, and they’re calling on the federal government to immediately cease all such investment.

Opinion: Government investment in clean electricity must include nuclear to achieve economic and climate goals

Government investment and policy in clean electricity must include nuclear power to achieve Canada’s economic and climate goals, John Gorman, president and CEO of the Canadian Nuclear Association, says in an editorial. His recommendations include: a pan-Canadian electrification strategy; continued government support for the nuclear sector; regulatory support for Canada’s uranium industry; and official government categorization of nuclear as a clean technology.

The Short Report, March 4, 2019: Kirsty Duncan moves for a standing committee on science and research; Alberta cuts post-secondary education funding; Canadian miners make an action plan

The Short Report: New Parliamentary standing committee proposed for science and research; new Protein Industries Supercluster projects; Alberta cuts post-secondary education funding while Ontario increases it; boosting competitiveness of Canada’s mining sector; creating research internships for students; Canadian science for the Moon; developing small nuclear reactor technology; and more.

Business lobby calls on Canada to become global champion for nuclear technology

The head of the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is calling on Canada – and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau specifically – to step up as global champions for nuclear technology, notably its civilian applications in medicine and as a low-carbon energy source. President and CEO Dr John Barrett made the comment in response to the release of a House of Commons committee report urging the government to “reaffirm its long-standing support for Canadian nuclear energy and research”.