Organization: Canadian Food Inspection Agency

CAPI report fleshes out targets and actions required to make Canada a globally competitive agriculture and agri-food superpower

Last year’s Barton panel report on the agri-food sector continues to resonate with additional consultation and analysis of its recommended policies and actions aimed at sustainably boosting exports to $75 billion by 2025.

The Canadian Agri-food Policy Institute (CAPI) launched a series of workshops to determine what specific actions are required to achieve the sector’s export objectives with a subsequent report – Barton Forward: Optimizing Growth in the Canadian Agri-Food Sector – posing and answering four key questions:

Inocucor gets $2.5M for second bio-fertilizer product

Montreal-based Inocucor Technologies Inc will advance development of its second bio-fertilizer product with $2.5 million in funding from Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC), a government foundation supporting cleantech projects. Inocucor will use the funds to scale-up production and marketing of Synergro Free bio-fertilizer, which is touted to naturally generate robust yields in commodity crops such as…

Canada, US agree to share food safety information, collaborate on research

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) to share food safety information and collaborate on research projects.  Signed at the FDA Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition campus in College Park, Maryland, the MOU seeks to expedite the sharing of information on…

GRDI launches two new genomics projects

The federal Genomics Research and Development Initiative (GRDI) has announced $4 million for two new projects as part of a multi-departmental initiative to position themselves as key national and international players in the genomics field. The Antimicrobial Resistance project will explore how to make food production safer by reducing bacterial and microbial resistance. The EcoBiomics…

Funding pooled to combat listeria bacteria in food

A group of federal, provincial and industry players have banded together to provide $1.4 million for a genomics research project to combat the listeria bacteria in food. The project is led by Dr Linda Chui, a researcher at the Univ of Alberta and will sequence and map the genomes of many listeria strains to identify…

CFIA scales back research efforts

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is eliminating research related to “indigenous production limiting diseases” to focus on animal disease control research associated with foreign animal diseases as it absorbs a 15% budget cut of $56-million over the next three years. In a statement, the CFIA says research into diseases such as paratuberculosis (which affects…

CFIA launches new ministerial advisory board

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has introduced a Ministerial Advisory Board (MAB) to provide the minster advice on food safety and other issues related to the agency’s mandate. The eight-member MAB is chaired by Ronald Doering, a lawyer with Gowlings and former CFIA president (1998-2002). The co-chair is Dr David Chalack, Canadian sales/marketing director…

TRLabs wins public health R&D contract

TRLabs and TDV Global Inc have entered a three-year, $900,000 R&D project the develop a range of critical software tools for use by the Canadian Network for Public Health Intelligence (CNPHI). TDV, an Ottawa-based strategic management consulting firm with branches in Winnipeg and Halifax, is heading up CNPHI in conjunction with Health Canada, the Univ…