Organization: Canada Foundation for Innovation

The Short Report – Feb. 9, 2022: Quebec getting Canada’s first universal quantum computer, Canadian cleantech companies receive more than $52 million in SDTC funding, Ocean Supercluster announces largest project to date, public servants learn about AI, and more

The Short Report – Feb. 9, 2022: Quebec gets Canada’s first universal quantum computer, Canadian cleantech companies receive more than $52 million in SDTC funding, Ocean Supercluster announces largest project to date, public servants learn about AI, new VP of research programs at CIHR, and more.

Alberta’s major universities hit pause on new research initiatives with China

Alberta’s four major universities have put a hold on developing new research initiatives and renewing existing research agreements with entities in China, as directed by the provincial government. All four universities also have submitted reports to Alberta Advanced Education detailing all agreements, research relationships, institutional relations and joint ventures under way with entities connected to the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party.