Organization: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)

The Short Report – Dec. 22, 2021: Trudeau releases mandate letters, a promising brain diseases partnership, a national survey of young people’s attitudes towards science, and more

A new Quebec neuroscience partnership may advance drug discovery for brain diseases through AI and Open Science; a CFI national survey shows most young adults have confidence in science; Dr. Leah Cowen has been named the University of Toronto’s vice-president, research and innovation, and strategic initiatives, and more.

Q&A: The CFI’s Heidi Bandulet on being Canada’s voice for international research infrastructure

Dr. Heidi Bandulet, the Senior Programs Officer at Canada Foundation for Innovation, is the co-chair of the OECD’s new Global Science Forum Expert Group on Very Large Research Infrastructure. Research Money spoke to Bandulet about large research infrastructure projects, her role as Canada’s representative and how to better collaborate in the case of a global crisis like COVID-19.

New digital research infrastructure organization announces first funding opportunity

Canada’s New Digital Research Infrastructure Organization (NDRIO) — created in 2019 to fix a system that has been described at “fragmented, oversubscribed and underfunded” — has announced its first funding program. The new national not-for-profit organization says it will spend $20 million to build national research capacity and create a “broad and integrated” Canadian digital research infrastructure ecosystem.

The Short Report – April 21, 2021: SIF gets $7.2 billion in 2021 federal budget, BC budget invests in new strategic fund, Biden’s funding surge, a boost for the Stem Cell Network, and more

The 2021 federal budget gives a big boost to the NRC’s Industrial Research Assistance Program, BC budget provides $500 million to new fund for tech startups, US President Joe Biden proposes funding surge for federal research agencies, Canada’s Stem Cell Network to receive $45 million dollars for regenerative medicine therapies, and more.

The Short Report – August 26, 2020: Ottawa wants a data-driven approach to housing, federally backed Newfoundland startup launches prototype, and more

The St. John’s, Newfoundland-based tech startup Avalon Holographics launched its first-generation prototype display; the federal government will launch the first round of its $300-million Housing Supply Challenge, focused on the provision of reliable housing data; Alberta Premier Jason Kenney put Doug Schweitzer at the head of his new ministry of Jobs, Economy and Innovation; and more.