Author: Guest Contributor

Requiem for a National Network Program

This article is part of our Fast Policy Facts online series By Paul Dufour December 12, 2018 With the news that the Trudeau administration is apparently terminating the former Mulroney administration’s Networks of Centres of Excellence Programme and replacing it with a new scheme, a 30-year-old experiment has come to a close. No rationale or…

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Access to innovation spurs regional diversification and growth

Cluster development is essential for community survival and development. It can help diversify industry to ensure communities are not overly reliant on one sector, while creating an ecosystem that simultaneously stimulates the growth of Canadian SMEs and attracts international players to the area. A case study of the Sarnia-Lambton region highlights both the necessity of thinking long-term about regional cluster development, and the active part that colleges play in cluster building through efforts such as providing infrastructure, bringing together partners, and providing research and development (R&D) for SMEs.

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National Facilities and Platforms: A Smart Way to Fund Research Infrastructure

The Canada Foundation for Innovation’s (CFI) funding support for research infrastructure is vital for universities and colleges in Canada. Canada’s Federal Budget 2018 included an increase and long-term stability in funding for CFI — a smart move. How might this new CFI funding be used to address current program challenges?

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Proposed model policy on scientific integrity doesn’t go far enough: An outsider’s critique

Scientific integrity is the adherence to professional values and practices when conducting, reporting and applying the results of scientific activities. It ensures objectivity, clarity and reproducibility while providing insulation from bias, fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, political interference, and censorship.

On July 31st, the Office of the Chief Science Advisor released a draft copy of a policy developed as a result of a Memorandum of Agreement between the Treasury Board and the Public Service of Canada – “Respect of Scientific Integrity”.

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Technology Transfer – Capturing research value for positive impact on the Canadian economy

New knowledge created through the more than $13B per year in academic research and innovation can be mobilized for the public benefit by transferring intellectual property (IP) to new and existing firms to develop new products and services. Examples include the Canadian-pioneered, world-changing discoveries canola, insulin, cobalt radiation therapy, and the electron microscope.

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