The Short Report – April 10, 2019: Seafood tech, forest research, clean transport

CIFAR added 17 new members to its AI Chairs program, bringing the number from 29 to 46. A third announcement later this year will bring the total to around 60. CIFAR also announced four new additions to its portfolio of interdisciplinary research programs. – BetaKit

The Government of Canada and the Province of Nova Scotia are jointly investing more than $1.2 million in 11 regional organizations through the Atlantic Fisheries Fund, for the implementation of new technologies and equipment in the fish and seafood sector. – Newswire

Natural Resources Canada announced $22.7 million for FPInnovations, the forest sector research institute headquartered in Pointe-Claire, Quebec. The funding will support new forest-based products to go to market ($20.4 million), as well as protecting market access and improving environmental performance ($2.3 million). – Newsire

Transport Canada announced a second call for proposals under the Clean Transportation System – Research and Development program, offering $1.5 million over three years for the development of clean technologies to improve the environmental performance of Canada’s transportation system. – Newswire

ISED released a report on its consultations with the co-operative business sector, concluding that co-operatives represent great potential for the Canadian economy because they are innovative and growth-oriented – What We Heard: Motion-100 Consultations

A new federal investment of $6 million under Canadian Agricultural Partnership will support the pork industry in three areas: $3.8 million through AgriAssurance for food safety, traceability and animal care; $1.2 million through AgriMarketing for expanding markets; and $1.1 million through AgriScience for increased production. – Newswire

The Public Policy Forum released a new report on Canada’s competitiveness by Sean Speer and Robert Asselin, in which they raise concerns about the loss of intellectual property to foreign companies and argue for more protection and support for Canadian-based technologies. – BNN Bloomberg

A new report by the law firm McCarthy Tétrault argues that legal service providers in Canada should do more to adapt to the opportunities and risks of digitization. – Canadian Lawyer

The world’s largest pipeline for liquified CO2 is being built in Alberta. The 240-kilometre, $470-million pipeline will collect captured carbon from a fertilizer plant and the new Sturgeon Refinery near Edmonton, sequestering up to 1.8 megatonnes of C02 annually. – JWN

Environment and Climate Change Canada announced that the Pan-Canadian Expert Collaboration has won a bid to create an independent, policy-oriented, not-for-profit national institute focused on clean growth and climate change, which will be eligible to receive up to $20 million over five years. – Newswire

Red Deer College and Alberta-based electricity distribution provider FortisAlberta formalized a partnership agreement at the college’s new Alternative Energy Lab to collaborate on various sustainability initiatives. – Red Deer College
