Call for Proposals: Canada-Israel research partnership seeks to fund R&D projects to commercialize

The Canada-Israel Industrial R&D Foundation (CIIRDF) is accepting proposals for bilateral R&D projects focusing on the commercialization of new technologies. Private sector companies from the two countries are invited to propose joint research, R&D and technology development projects for the creation of innovative products or processes with a non-defence application. The priorities are small- and medium-sized enterprises or firms with fewer than 500 employees. Maximum project length is 24 months. They can leverage academic expertise and engage students jointly with the the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Universities and research institutions can be involved in projects as subcontractors or consultants but not as applicants. Special considerations are for information and communication technologies, life sciences, aerospace, clean tech and sustainable technology, plus limited energy, as well as agriculture and agrifood. CIIRDF selects and awards qualified applicants with up to 50% of the eligible project costs and to a maximum of CDN$800,000 per project. Deadlines: May 31 for summary proposal submission; June 29 for full proposal submission. Notification of approved projects: October 2018.
